Saturday, March 26, 2005


As I read the scriptures surrounding Jesus’ trial before the religious leaders and Pilate, I began to have flash backs of recent false accusations made against me by a co-worker before my employer in an attempt to have me fired.Though my employer/owner like Pilate knew I wasn’t guilty of the charges, she was unable to administer justice on my behalf because she and my accuser had become bonded through gossip and unscrupulous activities.

On our journey to become one with Christ we must be willing to publicly endure the pain and humiliation of the cross in order to be recipients of His resurrection power of victory in our life (Phil. 3:10). The way of the cross will always look and feel like failure and shame; but it is the method through which we connect with the Lord, becoming a partaker of His holiness and His character to fulfill God’s purpose in the earth (Heb. 12:2-3, 10).

The cross Christ bore was constructed to destroy Him as ours is to destroy us. But because we have been born of the Spirit of God, no weapon formed against us can overtake us. Instead, it will propel us into the glorious presence of the Lord! Jesus’ cross placed Him on the right hand of the Father with all power over heaven and earth in His hands. Likewise our cross brings us before the Lord as honored vessels, beneficiaries of His power.

Did I lose my job? No. God stirred up the owner’s mother (who is part owner of the center) on my behalf which resulted in my accuser recanting her charges or face being fired herself.