Sunday, November 16, 2008


"For exaltation comes neither from the east nor from the west nor from the south, But God is the Judge: He puts down one, and exalts another." – Psalm 75:6, 7 (NKJ)

When one commits his/her life to walking on the water with Jesus, all of life’s decisions are based on an understanding and belief in the Word of God.
At age 53 this was the most intense presidential election I’ve participated in. I spent more time researching each candidate and their views than I did in previous elections. I also spent a great deal of time praying, asking God to show me what to look for-----including which candidate would be more receptive to His influence.

In light of the scriptures, this is what I observed of both candidates.

1 John 4:15 - "Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God."
When Both Senators spoke with Rick Warren, Sen. Obama confessed faith in Jesus, Sen. McCain did not.

Deuteronomy 5:20 – "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." In Sen. McCain’s campaign speeches, he assassinated his opponent’s character by falsely accusing him of being a socialist, a Muslim, and a Muslim friend of terrorists. Sen. Obama never slandered Sen. McCain character. What he said about Sen. McCain was that to elect him would be keeping President Bush in office.

Galatians 5:22-23 – "But the fruit of the Spirit is……..self-control……"
Sen. McCain’s own party described him as a hot-head; cursing and storming out of meetings when his views weren’t taken. Throughout the campaign, Sen. Obama’s character was that of self-restraint.

James 1:8 – "…..a double minded man, unstable in all his ways."
At the onset of the Economic Crisis, and throughout the campaign, Sen. McCain changed his position on how he would run the country several times; whereas Sen. Obama remained steadfast and focused. He never allowed himself to be tossed back and forth.

1 John 4:20 – "If someone says, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?"
The only time I hear Republicans speak against abortions is during presidential elections. Once they’re in office they do nothing to change our law concerning abortions. This makes me think that the topic of abortion is only a ploy to gain evangelicals’ votes. According to scripture, it’s impossible to love someone you can’t see, if you don’t have love for those you do see!
Beginning with President Reagan’s administration, I’ve notice that when Republicans are in office, all types of tax credits are granted to large businesses and corporations. After these companies receive their tax benefits, they pack up and move their companies overseas putting thousands of Americans out work. Despite their tales of why they do this, it all boils down to GREED. Where is the love for the American people that allow and support a company’s right to do this? Where is the love for individuals who can’t retire because the government allowed businesses to seize employees’ pensions for themselves after they bankrupt their companies? Where is the love for the working poor when government removes restraints (that would protect consumers) from greedy lenders that allow them to exploit the poor into thinking they can afford a house that the lender knows they can’t? Does the lender care? No, because he has already worked out a scheme to get the government to pay for the defaulted loans. Where is the LOVE?

In his choice of a VP, Sen. McCain chose someone who was weak in all the areas he is weak in. Sen. Obama chose a VP who is strong in areas he is weak in.

Sen. McCain’s campaign catered to evangelical leaders and the wealthy. Sen. Obama’s campaign catered to all Americans regardless of religion, gender, race, economic status or political party.

When Sen. Obama gave his acceptance speech it brought tears to my eyes. Not because he was elected as our country’s first African American president, but because his speech of unity should have been a message that our prominent evangelical leaders, and a particular Christian Radio Station (in Chicago) should have spread throughout our nation instead of the divisive and fearful propaganda they made against Sen. Obama.

I thank God, that in this election, the majority of Christian Americans from every culture in our nation chose to vote their own conscience instead of blindly following orders from the Pharisaic elite.

I pray God’s direction and protection over President Elect Obama, his family and the administration that will lead our country for the next four years. I pray he will never take lightly his responsibility as Commander in Chief. I also pray that he will walk in integrity and wisdom, with a heart that remains open to God’s prompting.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


“I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” – Matthew 18:3

As we mature in age, and become indoctrinated in modern technology and its amazing powers, especially in the medical field------we lose our practical, child-like faith in the omnipotence of God. In our heads we know God is omnipotent, omniscience and sovereign. But experientially, we don’t know Him as such because we do not exercise our faith in these areas.

In our prayers for the terminally ill where there is no known cure, we ask God to please give the doctors the knowledge to make the person well. How come we won’t ask God, who created the human body to heal the individual? Why do we confine God to working through doctors and medical research only?

We read scriptures that we say we believe, where handkerchiefs and aprons were taken from Paul’s body and placed on the sick and they were healed. But, when challenged to do that today we say, “God doesn’t work like that anymore, that was for then not now.”

Four years ago, following the birth of her baby, my youngest daughter called to tell me she and the baby were coming to visit----she said she wanted to cook dinner for me. While she was in the kitchen preparing the meal I held my infant grandchild in my arms, walking and singing spiritual songs to her. My daughter sat down next to where I stood and touched the hem of my dress. A week later she called me. “Mom, remember when I touched the hem of your dress?” “Yes.” “Well, the doctor told me I had cancer and needed to think about having my uterus removed. I remembered the woman in the Bible who touched the hem of Jesus’ robe and she was healed (Luke 8:43-48). I know you are a woman of God, so I asked God if He would heal me if I touched the hem of your dress. I just came back from the doctor, the cancer is gone!”

I believe the reason we don’t experience God’s miracles in our presence today is because many of us don’t believe He can, or want to grant miracles as He did in the Bible.

In 1974 my family of three was in a personal famine after my husband was laid off his job. All we had in the house was a half a bag of pinto beans. Believing the scriptures that tell of God multiplying meal and oil for a widow, her son and the Prophet Elijah during a famine (1 Kings 17:11-16); I asked God to multiply my pinto beans. For a week, my husband, daughter and I ate pinto beans for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The pot never ran out of beans. Our famine ended on the seventh day.

At another time I prayed, asking God to multiply the gas in our car so we could pick up a family member who was in trouble and make it back to our house. We didn’t have any money to buy gas, nor did the relative we were helping. Remembering the woman, whose sons were about to be sold into slavery to pay a debt left by her deceased husband, and how God multiplied her small pot of oil to many pots of oil to sell, to get out of debt (2 Kings 4:1-7)--------------I asked God to multiply the gasoline in our car. He did.

Have you ever wondered about the two fish and five barley loaves the Lord multiplied to feed the five thousands (John 6:5-12)? It’s true. When unexpected guests stopped by my house to visit while I was preparing dinner (fried catfish) for my family, God multiplied the fish making enough to go around for everyone to be filled.

Child-like Faith in God believes God can do everything He says in His Word He can do. Child-like Faith in God enables us to practice what we read in scripture when our circumstances mirror what we’ve read.

My own healing from breast cancer was a result of my child-like faith in God. Well intentioned friends who had lost relatives to breast cancer tried their best to prepare me for certain death, especially after the chemotherapy didn’t work. But I held on to my child-like faith in God and His Word (John 9:3, 32) and He brought me through. The Lord worked through the surgeon to remove the cancer, but He healed the damage chemo did to my heart solo of the doctor’s hands.

Monday, July 14, 2008


On last Friday, my son returned to Afghanistan. My greatest fear since he joined the Air Force nine years ago was that he might end up in a war zone. This is the third war zone he’s been in.

I am so grateful to God for watching over my son. No matter how old our children are we never cease to want to put our arms around them and protect them from every threat of danger.
My arms are too short to reach him; I’m powerless to protect him as I did when he was young. So with hands clasp together and head bowed, I commit the care of my son into the hands of the Everlasting Father, the Mighty God; that He would grant me mercy in allowing my son to return home from the battle safe and sound. Amen

Monday, June 30, 2008


My only born son came home on leave from Afghanistan last Wednesday. What a joy to see him. I am so grateful to God for keeping him safe. So far he has been to Korea, Iraq and Kuwait. He will return to Afghanistan in two weeks.

Yesterday I prepared him a catfish dinner with all of his favorite side dishes. In all the places he’s been to (including his home base in the US), he has not been able to get fried catfish.

It was hard for me to accept my son’s decision to pursue a career in the Air Force. He has always been an honor student from elementary school through college. It seemed to me he could have fulfilled his career goals in the civilian sector. However, he is pursuing (and fulfilling) his goals while serving his country. Admirable.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Please continue to watch over my only son. Keep him close to you in everything he encounters in war and life in general.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

The Real Equal Opportunity Employer

Too old! Not old enough! Outdated Education. Looking for someone younger.
Since December 2007 I’ve been looking for employment. Above are the responses I’ve gotten. Funny, when I was younger seeking employment I was told, too young, too educated, not suited, lack experience.

Being over 50 but under 55 is not a good time to change careers or be unemployed. It’s a shame too, because at this age stability, fortitude, reliability, and life experience with gained wisdom are great assets to any company.

Though the world may be ready to put me to pasture, God is not.

As long as there is a burning passion for God within an individual, he or she is viable and valuable to Him. At age 85, Caleb told Joshua he was just as able to wage a winning fight as he was 45 years ago under Moses’ command. And he did. Moses himself was 80 years old when he was ready to be awesomely used by God. The Bible is full of accounts of how God used aged men and women (as well as the young) in His service. (God truly is an EOE!)

Despite my plight, I know the Lord has a plan for this phase of my life. God specializes in using what the world considers useless.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


I praise the Lord on today, my 53rd birthday. I praise Him for I am "fearfully and wonderfully made…….marvelous is His work in me." For I am "God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for me to do."

Most Gracious and Heavenly Father,

I thank you for life eternal, and I also thank you for another year of physical life. I thank you Lord that when the doctor said he didn’t know if I’d make forty, you said more.

I present myself to thee O God as a living sacrifice, already made holy and acceptable by your own precious blood! I don’t want to be conformed by the world’s ideas and philosophy; but by the continuous renewing of my mind by your awesome Holy Spirit may my life demonstrate to the world what your good and perfect and acceptable will for all of humanity is. I pray that my life will be a sweet smelling fragrance unto you.

I Love you Lord, I thank you for being my source and sustainer in this life. I thank you for being with me in every crisis, every dark and painful situation. Thank you for your comfort when I was abandon betrayed and deserted. Thank you for healing my broken bones, removing cancer from my body, giving me shelter when I was homeless and providing for me while unemployed. I thank you for the healthy delivery of the birth of my four children and seven grandchildren. I thank you for the baptism of my granddaughter on last Sunday. And I thank you Lord for placing me in a new church family, Lorimer, and grafting me into service with them for you.

I thank you for revealing yourself to me. Use me daily Lord for your service and your glory. Reveal yourself to others through me. Let my life be unto the glory and honor and praise of you who has brought me out of darkness into your marvelous light!

Let the love, mercy, grace and forgiveness I’ve received from you, flow through me to others, especially those who have wronged or hurt me.

Live in me Lord Jesus, live in me.

In your name, Jesus, I pray, Amen.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


I awoke at 4:00am this morning in an intense battle against the grave of despair. I was in prayer till dawn. The following is the results of my won battle.

Up from the grave of despair I rose,
On bended knees to Jesus I chose.

Bearing my soul to Him alone,
Until His light within me shone.

Setting me free from my failures in life,
Through the Victory He won with Resurrection might!

Monday, February 18, 2008

YAHWEH SHAMMAH: The Lord Is There!

In 1974 I was run over by a CTA bus. As a result I suffered a fractured left ankle and a fractured right knee. As the back wheels of the bus ran over my legs, the only words that came out of my mouth were, "Jesus, Jesus!" The Lord was there with me, He kept my bones from breaking through my flesh. It is because of this miracle that CTA and the doctors in the emergency room didn’t want to believe I was run over by a bus.
After two leg casts, 5 months in a wheel chair and several months on crutches along with physical therapy, I was walking again------without limping. The Lord was there with me through the entire recovery process; physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Throughout my life God’s presence has been with me. When my marriage ended, He was there. When my mother died, He was there. When I can’t sleep at night, when I need direction, when I’m anxious, He, the Lord, is there with me. His presence is a never-ending source of comfort, encouragement, fellowship and help. I am never alone.

"And the name of the city from that day shall be: THE LORD IS THERE." - Ezekiel 48:35b (NKJV)

"Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?" - 1 Corinthians 3:16 (NKJV)

If you are desiring a relationship that will never end, receive Jesus as your Savior and Lord and experience His presence ("Sirs, what must I do to be saved? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household." - Acts 16:30-31 NKJV).

"Jesus answered and said to him, If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him." - John 14:23 (NKJV)

Friday, February 15, 2008

YAHWEH JIREH (The Lord Provides)

Being unemployed has reminded me of the time when I first experienced God personally as Yahweh Jireh - The Lord Provides.

It was in 1974. I was a young wife and mother, and my husband had been laid off from his job. After exhausting our savings and available resources, we were down to a half of bag of dried pinto beans. There was no salt pork or ham hock to add to the beans. There was no meal or flour for making bread----just beans.

I remembered the story of Elijah, a widow and her son during a famine in the land of Israel. The woman was about to use the last of her meal and oil to make bread for her and her son to eat, and then die. Elijah told her that if she made his bread first, God would not allow her meal and oil to run out. So she did. She made Elijah’s bread first and in return her meal and oil never ran out (1 Kings 17:8-16)!

I prayed, "Lord, just like the widow and her son, my household is in a famine. All I have is a half a bag of pinto beans. Please Lord, multiply these beans until the famine ends. Thank you Lord, amen."
We (my daughter, husband and I) ate pinto beans for breakfast, lunch and dinner for several days----the pot never ran out. The beans continued to multiply until the famine ended.

At another time, hungry guests unexpectedly came to visit. I was in the kitchen frying fish for dinner. I had just enough for my family. "Lord, what am I going to do? I can’t just turn them away----and I can’t take food from my family’s mouth to give them!" Immediately I saw in my mind the boy who gave to Jesus his lunch of two small fish and five barley loaves. Jesus took his lunch, blessed it, and fed more than five thousands people (John 6:5-13). I asked God to bless and multiply the fish to feed my household and my hungry guests. Every time I put my hand into the meal bag there was more fish to fry! There was enough fish to fill each hungry belly sitting at the table.

Down through the years God has proven Himself to me as a faithful provider. He has multiplied gas in the near empty tank of my car (2 Kings 4:1-7); opened doors to employment that were once shut in my face. He has dressed me in fine garments that I could not afford to buy for me. The Lord has even blessed me out of my need to bless others who were in greater need than I.

Needless to say, Yahweh Jireh continues to be my provider. He is more than enough for me.

Monday, January 07, 2008


Since December 13, 2007 my walk on the water with Jesus has taken a new direction. Unemployment. Though it is uncertain what type of employment I’ll do next, there is no uncertainty of the Lord’s faithful care of me. After all He is my Good Shepherd, a wise manager of my life and all that concerns me. I don’t have to worry about sinking. As long as I keep my hand in His I will continue to walk on water.

Friday, January 04, 2008

When I Think of the Cross of Jesus

Submitted by Ron Leonard, Volunteer Rep.

When I think of the cross of Jesus
I often wonder why he took so much pain and grief, and just for me He died.

He left His throne in glory, and counted it but loss;
To come to earth and die on an old rugged cross.

He said: "Father forgive them for they know not what they do"
As they beat Him and scourged Him, and He did it just for you.

Then He cried "It's Finished!!" as He died for you and me
That we might go to heaven and live eternally.

When I think of the cross of Jesus I wonder day to day why people scoff and say,
I can find another way.

For Jesus is on the only one that saves and sets men free,
And that's why my Saviour died on the cross of Calvary!!