Sunday, February 14, 2010

Perfect Love


Last night (the night before Valentine's Day) I notice several "last minute" men scurrying through the leftovers at Walgreens trying to find gifts for their significant other. I chuckled to myself as two of the men debated between themselves which of the two had found the better gift for his sweetheart.


As I walked out of the store I thought about the Savior, my Savior. He didn't wait till the last minute to show me how much He loved me. His gift of love was a well thought out plan that He and the Father put together long before the earth was formed (Eph. 1:4-5)! He looked down through time and chose me to be a recipient of His amazing love and grace.


In my life time I've met men who could talk a good game of love but couldn't demonstrate what true love looks like. Jesus demonstrated His Love for me in that before I came to faith in Him, He died for me (Rom. 5:8).


The awesome thing about being the Savior's Valentine is, His love for me is perpetual. I've been married and divorced twice, yet Jesus has never left my side since I accepted His gift of love at age 13.

Even now He is preparing a place for me within His Father's mansions, that where He is I will be also.


John 15:13; Romans 5:7-8; I John 3:1-2;


Saturday, February 13, 2010


December 13, 2007 I became unemployed. December 14, 2009 I began a new job. It's amazing to me how God works in our lives. He is so precise in all that He does.

In the two years that I was out of work, struggling with on and off unemployment benefits----God took care of me. He secured my apartment and utilities, provided food for me to eat, clothes to wear, and maintenance of my car with gas to keep it running.

My life has been filled with numerous crisis. But in each one, God has spoken "peace be still" to my heart and has taken me by the hand, and walked with me on the storm tossed waters of life, bringing me safely through.