Sunday, September 25, 2005

Thank You Jesus

Thank You Jesus!

Since January of this year I have been without a car.  On my salary I could not afford a car note, so I asked God to bless me with a good running, paid for vehicle that I could handle the insurance and maintenance.

Well, Jesus always goes beyond what we ask or think.  Yesterday (Saturday), the Lord had delivered to my apartment, a good running economy car that was paid for (no cost to me) including plates, vehicle sticker and insurance paid six months in advance.  Hallelujah!  Glory to God!  Thank you Jesus!

Many times I was tempted to repeat the same mistake of the previous year; buy a $200 junk car from a friend that didn’t last three months after numerous repair costs and finally falling apart creating parking tickets before having it towed and junked.

No, this year I had determined in my heart to trust the Lord to honor my prayer needs for a car.  Each morning I would limp on painful, swollen, arthritic joints to the bus stop to get to work; and repeat the same ritual for eight blocks to the bus stop in route home from work.  I would fight back tears of pain and self-pity by praying and praising God for His mercy and grace toward me.  I also thanked Him for the car I knew in my heart He was preparing for me.

Thank You Lord Jesus for your many blessings to me!


As a nation we screwed up big time in the inefficient manner in which we cared for our own during the approach, hit and aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

We proved we could learn from our wrong when Hurricane Rita appeared on the weather charts. Citizens lacking the means to evacuate on their own were transported by the government out of harm’s way with provision for food, water and other necessities.

Second Chances to right wrongs are not given just to nations, but to individuals too. As I viewed our government’s corrective measures in caring for its own during Hurricane Rita, I recognized corrective changes in my life in areas that I had before failed in.
“I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the Lord has done.
The Lord has chastened me severely, but he has not given me over to death.

Open for me the gates of righteousness; I will enter and give thanks to the Lord.
This is the gate of the Lord through which the righteous may enter.
I will give you thanks, for you answered me, you have become my salvation.”
-Psalm 118:17-21