Sunday, January 22, 2006


“Bless the LORD, O my soul,
and forget not all HIS benefits:

Who forgiveth all thine iniquities;
Who healeth all thy diseases;

Today is the second day of my recovery from Acute Bronchitis. I didn’t know what was wrong with me this past Thursday. I was in so much pain I couldn’t drive myself home from work; I had to call my daughter to come pick me up. When I got to the clinic, I had a high fever, headache and chills.

“Acute Bronchitis” the doctor told me, an infection has settled on your bronchial tubes.” He then gave me a prescription for an antibiotic and follow up.

For those first two days I couldn’t do anything but lie in bed moaning, sip water and cough up phlegm. By the third day I could get out of bed, fix myself breakfast, lunch and dinner; check my email and put together my lesson plan for Monday. And today, Sunday, I am ever so grateful to God for my recovery. I’d never thought about the havoc one tiny germ entering the body can cause till now. What a great opening for a show and tell lesson to my preschoolers to reinforce personal hygiene.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


I have purpose in my heart since January 1st to forget a particular loss of last year and reach forward to the thing the Lord has ahead for me.

Since making this declaration, my mind seems to be wondering in the past more than ever.  But I’ve found that verbalizing my goal in my own ears (“forgetting those things that are behind”) causes my thoughts to shift in forward motion.