My mother's death was so unexpected and unplanned that I began to feel like I could be, and might be next! So, I asked God if I was next to die. I laid down and had a wondrous dream.
I dreamed I was walking up some steep white steps with a group of people. The steps ended at a landing where a long narrow white table stood with a male behind it handing out report cards. The person's face was never shown, but I knew it was a male by his voice.
When individuals before me received their report card, they walked over to the left where there was an opening that led to a place that was baby blue in color with white clouds. Each person who received their report card walked into this open space.
When I reached the landing, I was handed my report card. My grades were not A status as I thought; the person behind the desk said, "It's not time for you to graduate, go back down." As I walked down the stairs with my report card I woke up. I understood the dream to mean I still have work to do.
I have also begun to put my house in order so that when it is my time to graduate, my affairs will be taken care of.