Thursday, July 26, 2007


Whenever I feel uncertain about the course my life is taking, or feel that God is absence from directing my steps; I’ll open my journal and began reading entries from the previous year.

Recently I was feeling as such, so I opened my journal and began reading last year’s entries beginning at January 2006. On March 18, 2006, I wrote about a dream I had in which my momma asked me to write what I wanted her to read at my funeral. I didn’t even remember writing this. But as I read it the dream replayed in my mind. Two months later my mom died and I wrote her obituary.

Although I had misunderstood the dream, God had gently showed me what was to come to pass. He proved to me once again that He is always by my side; even when I can’t feel Him or discern His presence, He is right here, leading, guiding and preparing.

Sunday, July 08, 2007


My biggest concern for myself is that I don’t fall away from the Lord. Periodically I examine myself to see if I’m still walking and living by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

The United States is moving so far away from the Biblical Principles that made it great and strong; it’s frightening. I don’t want to be caught up in the group of people who claim to be godly but deny the power of God’s Word and His Precepts.

Ancient Israel thought they could live like the world around them and enter the temple on the Sabbath and offer God token obeisance and God would continue to bless and keep them as a strong and powerful nation. How wrong they were. God doesn’t need our worship of Him. He’s not insecure, He knows who He is! Worship is for us; to remind us of who He is, and what our purpose is in Him. God longs to have a relationship with His people, not a song and dance show given in an attempt to appease Him.

Dear Lord, keep me near your bosom. Please continue to indwell my heart and spirit. I want to experience your presence in every area of my life. I thank you Lord Jesus for every miracle and every answered prayer. I even thank you for prayers unanswered because as your sheep, I am content to have everything you want me to have, and will receive in your timing things not yet received that you have for me.
I also thank you for turning the heart of my eldest daughter back to you. Keep her strong from the drug abuse of her husband. Keep her children (my grandchildren) safe in your arms. Continue to minister your Word and your presence to all of my children, grandchildren, and children in law, siblings and their families, and all my relatives.

I love you Lord, Amen