It all began in the month of July. My granddaughter who has lived with me for the past 4 years moved to New York to live with her mother and siblings; and I moved to a smaller apartment.
In October I was asked by one of the teens at the church I formerly attended, to represent him at the Boy Scouts' Board of Review. I was so honored and humbled at his request.
On January 3rd he will be acknowledged for achieving the highest rank in scouting: Eagle Scout.
Thus completing his tenure in boy scouting.
On November 3rd I began a new job. I wasn't looking for a new job, it came looking for me! After spending considerable time in prayer, I accepted the offer.
The later half of this year's journey also brought a bittersweet experience. My former husband was diagnosed October 22 with a rare type of Leukemia. He passed away on December 9. On November 14 we were reconciled. I and our youngest daughter was at his side when he transitioned from time into eternity.
I don't know what the new year will bring but, I am confident that I won't go it alone. For He who said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you" is always with me.