Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving Blessings!

In the movie "Holidaze," there's a scene in which the matriarch of the family makes a toast at the beginning of the Thanksgiving Dinner.  She says, "Thanksgiving is a funny sort of holiday; and every year families get together to celebrate everything they have in their lives and then b^@#h and moan about it."  She continues as the family raises their glasses with laughter, "Here's to b^@#hing and moaning!"

Regardless of where we find ourselves this Thanksgiving, we are a people most blessed. Despite a down economy, job loss, hardships, crisis, etc. we have much to be thankful for. If you don't think you're blessed, lift your head toward heaven and worship the King of Glory.  Doing so will reveal all of the unnoticed miracles and blessings He has performed on your behalf.

So, instead of b^@#hing and moaning about what you have and don't have, give
thanks to the Lord for His Love, Mercy and Grace to you.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

This year I add to the lists of things I'm grateful to God for is the gift of laughter.

This past Sunday I was out to dinner with a good friend.  We had so much to catch up on, we lingered over dinner a good 30-40 minutes after we had consumed our meal.  When it was time to go, I was so stiff I could hardly get up.  It took several steps before my joints loosen up enough for me to regain normal walking.  "Are you okay, Anna?" my friend asked.  I began to laugh. "I'm just find," I replied to my friend and to a concerned patron who was watching me closely.  I leaned toward the patron who looked to be my age, "You've got to have a sense of humor as you age!"  He laughed with me.

Life is what you make it.  And I am determined to live each day to the fullest by entrusting my life to the Lord and maintaining a healthy sense of humor.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Journey Continues........................

I lost my job yesterday because I supported a co-worker who was being unjustly fired.  I have no regrets and, I'm able to sleep at night.  Sometimes Christians are often the first to complain about corruption in the workplace, and sadly, the first to look the other way when a brother or sister is being harassed or falsely written up by an insecure and corrupt department head. 

When Christians fail to let their light shine, they give Satan a foothold into their life, and cause the name of Jesus to be mocked before ungodly men. 

I rejoice in the good that has come out of this situation.  The faith of the co-worker I supported  was renewed.  She said before she met me, she believed all supervisors were the same; unethical, and unconcerned about the people who worked under them.
Another employee resigned.  She said her conscience would no longer allow her to compromise her faith. In this, God has been glorified.

So, the Journey continues as I walk on the water with Jesus..........

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Near The End

We're 4 months away from the end of the year and this is my first post for 2015.  I can't believe I haven't posted since December 2014.  This has been another full year for me.
As a teenager I always felt a connection to biblical Joseph.  And now, at age 60, it seems like I've connected with him again.   Five months into my new job, I was promoted to a position that has made it possible for me to initiate needed services to impoverished communities in Chicago.  God is good.

I never cease to be awed and amazed at how God weaves us into His plan for humanity.