Saturday, July 29, 2006


The proof that you have experienced God’s forgiveness is when you no longer struggle to forgive others.

My first marriage lasted 24 years. Within those years, whenever any crises occurred, my former husband would desert me and our children, leaving us to weather the storm alone. When things got better, he’d come back. After repeating this cycle several times (the last time being the straw that broke the camel’s back), I gave him the divorce he threaten me with, and refused him entrance back into my life.

This past Wednesday he was hospitalized for heart failure. As soon as I heard I began praying for his recovery; pleading with God to extend his life, giving him another chance to know Jesus as his personal Savior and Lord.

I feel nothing but compassion and mercy for him. And I know it is because of God’s mercy and compassion in His forgiveness toward me.

Dear Lord, I thank you for forgiving me of every one of my sins against you. May I forever transmit your love and forgiveness of me, toward everyone who has sinned against me. In Jesus’ name, Amen

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