Friday, August 31, 2007


I spent today, the last day of my vacation, at Rainbow Beach. In fact that’s where I’m writing this entry.

The water is so beautiful. At the furthest point it’s a stunning deep blue. The middle is green and the part closest to the shore is a mixture of blue, olive green and gray with white foam riding atop the gentle waves rolling up along the shore.

There’s a nice cool breeze blowing---scattered walkers, middle age mostly, and sea gulls perch on the shore’s edge. The sky is a heavenly blue dissolving into a pastel blue afar out on the horizon. The sand, light tan in color, is glistening in the sunlight. The sound of the waves is so relaxing and peaceful to watch. What a beautiful world God created for us to enjoy and care for.

When my children were young, I’d put the two youngest ones in the stroller and the two older ones on either side of me holding on to the side of the stroller and we would walk over to Rainbow Beach That was in the 70’s. I and my husband enjoyed living on the southeast side of Chicago. Being near the lake was always a big plus for us and the kids.
My son in his many travels across the country and overseas says he has never seen a skyline as beautiful as Chicago’s skyline.

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