Friday, January 04, 2008

When I Think of the Cross of Jesus

Submitted by Ron Leonard, Volunteer Rep.

When I think of the cross of Jesus
I often wonder why he took so much pain and grief, and just for me He died.

He left His throne in glory, and counted it but loss;
To come to earth and die on an old rugged cross.

He said: "Father forgive them for they know not what they do"
As they beat Him and scourged Him, and He did it just for you.

Then He cried "It's Finished!!" as He died for you and me
That we might go to heaven and live eternally.

When I think of the cross of Jesus I wonder day to day why people scoff and say,
I can find another way.

For Jesus is on the only one that saves and sets men free,
And that's why my Saviour died on the cross of Calvary!!

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