Monday, June 30, 2008


My only born son came home on leave from Afghanistan last Wednesday. What a joy to see him. I am so grateful to God for keeping him safe. So far he has been to Korea, Iraq and Kuwait. He will return to Afghanistan in two weeks.

Yesterday I prepared him a catfish dinner with all of his favorite side dishes. In all the places he’s been to (including his home base in the US), he has not been able to get fried catfish.

It was hard for me to accept my son’s decision to pursue a career in the Air Force. He has always been an honor student from elementary school through college. It seemed to me he could have fulfilled his career goals in the civilian sector. However, he is pursuing (and fulfilling) his goals while serving his country. Admirable.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Please continue to watch over my only son. Keep him close to you in everything he encounters in war and life in general.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

The Real Equal Opportunity Employer

Too old! Not old enough! Outdated Education. Looking for someone younger.
Since December 2007 I’ve been looking for employment. Above are the responses I’ve gotten. Funny, when I was younger seeking employment I was told, too young, too educated, not suited, lack experience.

Being over 50 but under 55 is not a good time to change careers or be unemployed. It’s a shame too, because at this age stability, fortitude, reliability, and life experience with gained wisdom are great assets to any company.

Though the world may be ready to put me to pasture, God is not.

As long as there is a burning passion for God within an individual, he or she is viable and valuable to Him. At age 85, Caleb told Joshua he was just as able to wage a winning fight as he was 45 years ago under Moses’ command. And he did. Moses himself was 80 years old when he was ready to be awesomely used by God. The Bible is full of accounts of how God used aged men and women (as well as the young) in His service. (God truly is an EOE!)

Despite my plight, I know the Lord has a plan for this phase of my life. God specializes in using what the world considers useless.