Water Walking (based on a passage of scripture found in Matthew 14:24-32), is a personal testimony of my walk of faith with Jesus.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
This friend would be one who valued being single as a gift from God, one who isn’t called to be married; one who has a passionate desire to know Christ in every area of his life; a person who loves studying and sharing God’s Word. This special friend wouldn’t be offended by my quirky character, or become fearful of my challenging questions and ponderings about God and His involvement with humanity and His church; a friend that I could share a meal with; a godly companion that I could share my walk with Christ with and he would share his walk with Christ with me.
I had a friend once, which was very much like the friend described above, except he was married and older than I. I was about 15 when I met him and his wife, Deacon James and Lucinda Scates. They were members of the church my family attended. They gave me my first job working in their laundry, and after work we’d have dinner together.
A former alcoholic, I never tired of hearing Deacon Scates’s testimony, of meeting Jesus "on a street called Straight,” he would say. And from that point on, he remained in hot pursuit to know Christ more. We would talk for what seemed like hours about Jesus, God, the scriptures---his faith and walk with the Lord, and my young faith and understanding of the Lord.
When I became a young adult, he would have me lead his Sunday School Class. Here I was, a young woman, in my late 20s, discussing the scriptures with aged Christian men and women who were well versed in the Word of God with life experience to back it up. In recalling those days, I can see a glimpse of Jesus as a boy speaking with the doctors and teachers of the law in the temple.
The last time I saw Deacon Scates was 17 or more years ago. He was in the hospital and sent word through my mother to come see him. His wife was going through the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s disease; I imagine he felt somewhat alone.
He wanted to tell me that God was with me, and even as a youth, he had witness the Holy Spirit in my life. He warned me about false teachers who would try to confuse me and turn me aside from the truth I had learned and knew about Christ. He then placed my hand on his stomach and asked me to pray for him. After I had prayed, he said he felt the Holy Spirit leap in his belly, and he knew everything would be all right. He was soon released from the hospital----I never saw him again. In every church I’ve served in since, I’ve never had a friendship like what I had with Deacon Scates.
For several weeks, I’ve been feeling homesick and lonely; couldn’t understand what was wrong till a few days ago. I miss having a special, unique friend in my life.
“God send me a special friend who values being single (as I do) as a gift from You, who is looking for someone like me that together we can share our passionate pursuit to know You more, and share our faith walk with You, with one another and others.” Amen.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
December 14
God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Today, October 22, 2010 is my eldest granddaughter's birthday. Sixteen years ago, a week after her birth, I was diagnose with breast cancer.
Each year on her birthday we share two celebrations: (1)her birth; and (2)my extended life. This year on her 16Th birthday, I celebrate 16 years cancer free.
Friday, October 22, 2010
David Brian Miller 1965-2010
Friday, October 15 (2 days before his 45Th birthday) my brother, David, died. He was brother number 6 of 7; and sibling number 9 of eleven. He is the first of my siblings to pass away.
David was more than just a brother to me, he was also my surrogate baby. When he (and the 2 siblings after him) was born, our mother worked nights, so his crib was set up in my bedroom. From early afternoon to breakfast I cared for him as well as my other siblings. For awhile, David thought I was his mother. He seemed to cling to me more than the others in that he never wanted me out of his sight.
David recovered from an extensive surgery on Tuesday, and appeared to be doing fine. I was at work when I received the call that David had died, I was stunned. In unbelief I threw myself into my work, working non-stop till it was time to punch out.
On my way home I stopped at the church, ran into the sanctuary, and kneeled before the presence of the Lord and began to worship Him in prayer, praise and song.
The stress of David's death intensified as the family struggled with planning his funeral which changed several times before it was finally settled to be held tomorrow.
Wednesday evening, I turned off my phone, made a pot of herbal tea, lit some candles, wrapped myself in a soft blanket, reclined in my chair and meditated on the goodness of God to my family. It was during this time that I came to grips with my brother's passing, and found relief from feuding siblings over our brother's remains.
David's body is an empty shell----he's gone into the presence of the Lord.
The medical staff said when he transpired, there was no trembling, jerking, or struggle; just a peaceful exhale, and he was gone. Before his demise, he made amends with God and his girlfriend; he saw his baby, and he left me a message that he loved me.
For me, Wednesday evening was the funeral for my brother, held in the privacy of my apartment between me and the Lord. I take comfort in knowing that I will see my baby brother again.
Monday, April 19, 2010
I've received so many well wishes and blessings from family and friends, even co-workers. I am truly, truly a blessed woman.
Thank You Lord for another year!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Perfect Love
Last night (the night before Valentine's Day) I notice several "last minute" men scurrying through the leftovers at Walgreens trying to find gifts for their significant other. I chuckled to myself as two of the men debated between themselves which of the two had found the better gift for his sweetheart.
As I walked out of the store I thought about the Savior, my Savior. He didn't wait till the last minute to show me how much He loved me. His gift of love was a well thought out plan that He and the Father put together long before the earth was formed (Eph. 1:4-5)! He looked down through time and chose me to be a recipient of His amazing love and grace.
In my life time I've met men who could talk a good game of love but couldn't demonstrate what true love looks like. Jesus demonstrated His Love for me in that before I came to faith in Him, He died for me (Rom. 5:8).
The awesome thing about being the Savior's Valentine is, His love for me is perpetual. I've been married and divorced twice, yet Jesus has never left my side since I accepted His gift of love at age 13.
Even now He is preparing a place for me within His Father's mansions, that where He is I will be also.
John 15:13; Romans 5:7-8; I John 3:1-2;
Saturday, February 13, 2010
In the two years that I was out of work, struggling with on and off unemployment benefits----God took care of me. He secured my apartment and utilities, provided food for me to eat, clothes to wear, and maintenance of my car with gas to keep it running.
My life has been filled with numerous crisis. But in each one, God has spoken "peace be still" to my heart and has taken me by the hand, and walked with me on the storm tossed waters of life, bringing me safely through.