Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Spending Time With The Father

I miss having access to the church sanctuary to meet with the Lord.  I know God is everywhere and any place I pause to worship becomes a sanctuary.   But there is something special about meeting God in a place that has been specifically set aside for intimate and private fellowship with the Lord.

Precious were those times when early in the morning before the staff arrived, or in the evening after everyone had left; I would go into the sanctuary and lay on the altar in quiet communion with the Lord.  Sometimes I'd pray, and sometimes I'd just lay quiet, listening for His voice.  I felt a connection with the patriarchs Abraham, Issac and Jacob when I lay their awaiting His arrival.  

Around 1:30 am, the day after Thanksgiving I awoke from my after dinner-guest gone home nap and began the task of cleaning up the kitchen.  As I washed dishes and scrubbed pots and pans I started worshiping the Lord in song and praise.  And then as it had happened many times before when I laid on the altar, the presence of the Lord came into my kitchen and ministered to me.  Even at work, in the privacy of my office I'm blessed with His intimate presence as I kneel in prayer seeking His guidance and  blessings in meeting the demands of my job.

Truly God has accepted my kitchen and office as a sanctuary for communing with Him.

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