Wednesday, December 31, 2014

End Of The Year Blessings

The later half of this year has been-------I don't even know how to describe it!  It been exhilarating. It's been full.

It all began in the month of July.  My granddaughter who has lived with me for the past 4 years moved to New York to live with her mother and siblings; and I moved to a smaller apartment. 

In October I was asked by one of the teens at the church I formerly attended, to represent him at the Boy Scouts' Board of Review.  I was so honored and humbled at his request. 

On January 3rd he will be acknowledged for achieving the highest rank in scouting: Eagle Scout.
Thus completing his tenure in boy scouting.

On November 3rd I began a new job.  I wasn't looking for a new job, it came looking for me! After spending considerable time in prayer, I accepted the offer.

The later half of this year's journey also brought a bittersweet experience.  My former husband was diagnosed October 22 with a rare type of Leukemia.  He passed away on December 9. On November 14 we were reconciled.  I and our youngest daughter was at his side when he transitioned from time into eternity.

I don't know what the new year will bring but, I am confident that I won't go it alone.  For He who said,  "I will never leave you nor forsake you" is always with me.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Journey

This past April I celebrated my 59th birthday----"It's been a long journey."

Twenty-five years ago I had a dream in which I was in a race against a red Ferrari.  I couldn't see who was driving and it didn't seem important.  Here I stood on the starting line next to the car.  As the starter shouted "Go!"  the red Ferrari took off leaving me behind.  After a while I caught up with it.  In the middle of the trail was a mountain.  The Ferrari was at the base, gunning its engine in an attempt to drive up the mountain.  I now took the lead in the race as I climbed the mountain and continued on the trail.  Having run a great distance I looked behind me and could see that the Ferrari was still stuck at the base of the mountain.  I looked forward and continued on my run.  Before me in the far distance I could see what appeared to be the Kingdom of God.

Seven months ago I returned to this dream.  I saw a glimpse of the Heavenly city before me more visible than it was 25 years ago.  I looked behind me but could no longer see the starting line.  The Ferrari was no where in sight.  Was it still at the base of the mountain?  Did it pass me by?  I'm covered in sweat, I'm tired, and exhausted.  I dropped to my hands and knees. Waking up, I pondered the meaning of the dream.

At the time of my return to this dream I had been battling weariness.  Just tired of life; not suicidal, just tired.  For a long time I struggled between longing to go home to the Father, and crying out for strength to continue to the end.

Today, praise the Lord, I have been refreshed and recharged!  I had become weary because I had taken my eyes off the Lord and began looking at my circumstances and at people.

With my eyes re-focused on the Lord, I have resumed my walk on the water with Jesus!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Remembering Moma & Grandma

"When I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am persuaded is in you also." I Timothy 1:5

Whenever I read the above verse regarding Timothy's mother and grandmother I think of my mother and her mother, Grandma Nannie.  My faith in the Lord was birth out of the faith I seen exhibited in these two women.  I don't recall my mother or grandmother ever teaching us the scriptures, but I do remember seeing them live out the scriptures.
Grandma & Me (celebrating my 7th birthday)

I remember one Mother's Day my siblings and I had bought gifts for mom and grandma.  Before grandma would accept our gift she asked if we bought our paternal grandmother a gift too.  We explained that we did not buy her a gift because we didn't believe she cared about us.  Whenever she came to see us, which was rare, she'd spend the whole time taking about her other son's children; how wonderful they were, and the things she bought them.  She never bought us anything and she never had anything nice to say about our mother. Grandma Nannie would make us keep her gift until we bought a gift for our other grandmother.  Of course our gifts were always rejected and given away.  But we continued to show her the same honor we did Grandma Nannie.  And then it happen, after the birth of my 4th child, this grandmother who always dissed us, had a change of heart.  She began writing me letters, and sending me vegetable and flower seeds to grow in my garden.  When she came for a visit she asked to see my children and meet my husband.  The seed of love that Grandma Nannie taught us to sow in our other grandmother's life had taken root and now she was able to love us back.
This lesson I learned from grandma of loving and blessing those who do not love me has been applied many times to the difficult people I've met during the course of my life.  Is this not the kind of love Jesus commanded His followers to have for those who hated them?

Cordelia Ann Webster (mom)
During times of lack my mother would go to the piano and worship God in song.  As a child I would slip into the living room and sit quietly on the floor, at the foot of the piano bench, and watch my mother pour her heart out to the Lord.  "Wonderful Grace of Jesus, greater than all my sins.  How shall my tongue describe it, where shall its praise begin.  Taking away my burden, setting my spirit free------for the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me!"  I still remember the verse and chorus of that old hymn and others I learned while listening to my mother's songs of praise unto the Lord.
When I grew up and experienced hardships and other difficult situations, I'd steal away to a quiet place and worship the Lord in song and praise.  I discovered what my mother had learned; peace in the middle of life's storms can be realized when we direct our attention to the Lord.  Not only does the Lord grant us peace in the middle of the storm, He also makes a way in, through, and out of the storm.

I learned to call on the name of the Lord and to trust His word through the example of my mother and grandmother.  I pray that my children and grandchildren will learn the same from me.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Day After

Yesterday, (April 19) I experienced another birthday.......59 years.  It's been a long journey to where I am today.  Sometimes I wonder "how did I get here?"  In many ways I've changed.......I'm not the same person and in some ways I am.

I am grateful to God to have seen this day.  It's been 20 years since the doctor said he couldn't promise I'd live to see my 40th birthday.  I pray everyday that my life would be a song of praise, a sweet smelling fragrance unto the Lord.

Thursday, March 20, 2014


The first day of spring, will arrive in Chicago at 11:00 am central standard time.  Four hours before its arrival winter gave us a farewell snow shower that lasted about an hour.  I enjoy living in this part of the country.  We experience a variety of weather that doesn't always come in its correct season.  I recall in April of '74, instead of April Showers we had snow!  I remember it well because my husband along with other employees were stranded in Niles, IL because of snow storm.
Storm Vulcan

I enjoy every season, especially the unexpected display of nature, the expression of our Awesome Creator.  I've been so consumed with work that although I haven't been posting on a regular basis, I have been snapping pictures.

Valentine's Day 2014/Sunrise
This photo doesn't capture the beauty of the icicle seen with the naked eye.  This picture was taken from the inside of my living room window.  With my eyes I could see the colors of the sky reflected in the icicles.