Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Journey

This past April I celebrated my 59th birthday----"It's been a long journey."

Twenty-five years ago I had a dream in which I was in a race against a red Ferrari.  I couldn't see who was driving and it didn't seem important.  Here I stood on the starting line next to the car.  As the starter shouted "Go!"  the red Ferrari took off leaving me behind.  After a while I caught up with it.  In the middle of the trail was a mountain.  The Ferrari was at the base, gunning its engine in an attempt to drive up the mountain.  I now took the lead in the race as I climbed the mountain and continued on the trail.  Having run a great distance I looked behind me and could see that the Ferrari was still stuck at the base of the mountain.  I looked forward and continued on my run.  Before me in the far distance I could see what appeared to be the Kingdom of God.

Seven months ago I returned to this dream.  I saw a glimpse of the Heavenly city before me more visible than it was 25 years ago.  I looked behind me but could no longer see the starting line.  The Ferrari was no where in sight.  Was it still at the base of the mountain?  Did it pass me by?  I'm covered in sweat, I'm tired, and exhausted.  I dropped to my hands and knees. Waking up, I pondered the meaning of the dream.

At the time of my return to this dream I had been battling weariness.  Just tired of life; not suicidal, just tired.  For a long time I struggled between longing to go home to the Father, and crying out for strength to continue to the end.

Today, praise the Lord, I have been refreshed and recharged!  I had become weary because I had taken my eyes off the Lord and began looking at my circumstances and at people.

With my eyes re-focused on the Lord, I have resumed my walk on the water with Jesus!

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