Thursday, December 02, 2021

God's Continuous Grace


Every time I look in the mirror I thank God for His grace and mercy toward me.  I thank Him for my health. I especially thank Him for my immune system when I think about the cancer cells, from the 5 tumors in my breast, entered one of the sentinel lymph nodes, and became inactive.  It entered but didn't exit or spread to other parts of my body.

I don't know why or how cancer formed in my body the first time or this second time.  But God halted the spread of cancer cells through spiritual and medical intervention.

A Christian friend of mine is a source of encouragement to me.  She lives with a cancerous tumor in her brain every day. At age 78 she remains active, living her life to the fullest. There are others with metastatic breast cancer, yet God has granted me mercy, grace, and healing.

I must fulfill His purpose for my life while I can.  I can't comprehend or understand His love for me. Yet, I experience His love every day! My desire is to share the same love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness to others that He has and continues to show me.

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