One of the easiest to grow houseplants for me is the philodendra. I like the fact that it can be grown in water or potting soil, and it produces lush green cascading vines. I had notice that for some time one of my plants appeared to be dying. One by one its long lush vines withered, turning yellow and then brown before falling off the main branch. Yet there was new growth shooting up near the base of the plant. In an attempt to save the last of its dying vines I clipped it and placed it in a separate container of water with a few drops of plant food. The next morning, the clipped vine had made a miraculous recovery! The leaves were no longer drooping, they were pointing upward and the green color had returned to its stem. It was here, in this unexpected moment of serene amazement that God spoke peace to the bewildering situation I was going through.
There are seasons of growth when it becomes necessary for God to "clip" us, setting us apart from the group in order to prepare us to bear more fruit, either in a different position or in a new location for His purposes. If we cling to where God desires to remove us from, like my vine, we will wither and become unproductive.
Wow, this is kind of eery. You have no idea how appropriate your message is for me at this particular moment. Thank you for sharing it :)
Praise God.
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